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Become a member and receive career-enhancing benefits

Our top priority is providing value to members. Your Member Services team is here to ensure you maximize your ACS member benefits, participate in College activities, and engage with your ACS colleagues. It's all here.

Membership Benefits
Trauma Programs

COT Participation Opportunity Board

The COT Participation Opportunity Board is intended to provide central and regional COT members with the opportunity to view current or planned participation opportunities on work groups and committees. If you are interested in contributing to the work product of a specific opportunity, please consider applying to one of the positions listed below.

Participation Opportunities

Participation opportunities will continue to be updated on this list as they arise. Some opportunities will be for immediate, short-term needs to address a specific issue, others will be a longer time commitment for a developing project, and some will be posted in anticipation of a future start date at some point during the year.

An overview of the project and anticipated time commitment along with any special skills desired will be included in the position description. Self-nominations will be reviewed, and individuals will be selected based on the needs of the project. There will be size limits on many of the work groups to ensure efficiency; however, every effort will be made to break large projects into smaller subunits that will allow for greater member engagement. Individual member assignments may be limited to provide maximum opportunity across the membership.

Membership Requirements

Appointment terms for most participation opportunities in work groups are for the duration of the stated project mandate to complete the designated work product. Some committees or work groups that have longer durations or are more advisory may have stated participation terms. All central COT members, region chiefs, and state/provincial/country chairs and vice chairs are eligible to serve on work groups and committees unless otherwise noted. Special consideration and planning will be made for named consultants, liaisons, and COT specialty members to ensure appropriate subject matter expertise on projects.

General Expectations

  • Actively contribute to the stated work of the committee or work group, collaborating with COT members and staff to generate the designated work product in support of the strategic initiative as outlined in the Strategic Project Management Plan.
  • Regularly participate in meetings of the committee or work group. Most meetings will be conducted virtually throughout the year. Participation in the associated pillar sessions at the spring or fall COT meetings is expected. If there are other unique meeting or participation requirements they will be noted in the descriptions.

Participation Opportunities

Education Pillar

ATLS Global Symposium Strategic Assessment

Education Evaluation Work Group

Education Research Work Group

Education Technology Work Group

Quality Pillar

Trauma Protocols Work Group

TQIP Conference Abstract Reviewer Work Group

Systems Pillar

No opportunities currently available

Advocacy/Injury Prevention/STOP THE BLEED®

No opportunities currently available

Other Liaison, Committee, Work Group or Special Skills Opportunities

Membership Committee Member

Scudder Oration Nomination Work Group

COT Chair Nomination Committee

Indicate Your Interest to Actively Participate in a Work Group or Committee

If you are interested in being considered for appointment to one or more of the above Participation Opportunities and you meet the requirements, please use the link below or the link within the position description to apply. Submit a separate application for each position that you would like to be considered for.

Submit Application for Participation Opportunity

Committee on Trauma Organizational Structure

Committee on Trauma Organizational Structure

Pillars, Program Areas and Work Groups

Program areas and work groups of the COT are maintained to meet the current objectives and activities of the COT and are organized within the pillar structure. The COT Chair has responsibility for defining the organizational structure required to support the strategic priorities of the COT. Work groups may be formed within a program area or independently within a pillar for specific projects and approved at the discretion of the COT Chair. All leadership positions are appointed by the Chair of the COT.

Organizational Structure

COT activities are organized in four major pillars:  Education, Quality, Systems, and Advocacy/Injury Prevention/Stop the Bleed®. Each pillar comprises program areas and work groups to fulfill their objectives. Work groups are formed to focus on a project, deliverable, or course revision, and should then be disbanded once the deliverable has been completed. Members of the central and regional committees work together in these program areas and on specific work groups.

Additionally, the following program areas support the entire pillar structure: Surgical Specialty Advisory Groups, the International Injury Care (I2C2) Committee, the Regional Committees, and the Membership Committee. All work anticipated by a pillar, program area, committee, or work group, should be driven by the objectives and priorities defined within the Strategic Project Management Plan.