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Trauma Programs

COT Leadership Opportunity Board

The COT Leadership Opportunity Board is intended to provide central and regional COT members with the opportunity to view current or planned leadership opportunities within work groups and committees. If you are interested in leading a group of individuals to reach desired deliverables, please consider applying to one of the positions listed below.

Membership Requirements

Appointment terms for most leadership positions are for a period of 2 years, except for Work Group Leads who may be appointed for a shorter term if the duration of the project will be less than 2 years. To be eligible to serve in one of the posted leadership positions, your term as a central COT member or regional leader should extend through the conclusion of the term. Leadership positions may be eligible for a second 2-year term based on performance and the remaining membership term.

For the positions listed that begin in March 2025, the initial leadership term will be from 3/2025–3/2027. Therefore, your term as a central or regional leader must extend through, at minimum, 3/2027. Please check your appointment letter to determine your membership term or contact the COT office for assistance. If your central COT membership term ends prior to 3/2027, you are not eligible for these leadership positions but are encouraged to serve on a committee or work group until your term expires. If your term as a regional leader expires prior to the conclusion of the posted position’s term, you would also need to concurrently apply for central COT membership. If your application is deferred or not accepted, your leadership position would be terminated early.

Executive Committee leadership positions require eligible terms on the central COT, whereas some committee or work group lead positions may be held by those in the regional committees. Please review the criteria for each position to verify membership and term requirements.

Executive Committee leadership positions require eligible terms on the central COT, whereas some committee or work group lead positions may be held by those in the regional committees. Please review the criteria for each position to verify membership and term requirements.

General Expectations/Requirements

(Excerpted from the COT Blue Book)

Pillar Chairs
  • Provide strategic, scientific, clinical, and programmatic leadership to support the activities of the COT as a member of the Executive Committee and provide input relative to the pillar subject area.
  • Lead the annual review of the pillar’s Strategic Project Management Plan to establish clear program objectives and priorities; facilitate the execution of those programs and the projects that support them.
  • Actively engage central and regional members in the work of the pillar, collaborating with COT staff to support the strategic growth of programs in support of the COT mission; modify the work group structure as needed to facilitate the work of the pillar and its initiatives.
  • Manage the work of the chairs and work group leads that fall within the pillar to execute the Strategic Project Management Plan and ensure accountability for the completion of projects; represent the work of the pillar during Executive Committee Meetings, Pillar Meetings, and as requested by the COT Chair; provide quarterly pillar briefing reports championing activities of the pillar’s programs and projects.
  • Convene regular meetings of the pillar’s steering group or otherwise defined leadership group to ensure the ongoing work and alignment of the pillar.
  • Represent the Committee on Trauma and its programs; foster productive and valued liaison relationships between the COT and other organizations.

Requirements: This position holds a concurrent seat on the Executive Committee and may only be held by a central COT member. Participation in four Executive Committee meetings each year, including the March Annual Meeting and the meetings held in the fall in conjunction with the ACS Clinical Congress is also expected. On average, this position will require 15-20 hours per month.

Program Area Chairs
  • Collaborate with the Pillar leadership to establish clear program objectives and priorities, at both the pillar and programmatic levels.
  • Fulfill the work of the program area as outlined in the Strategic Project Management Plan.
  • Recommend a work group structure to facilitate strategic projects that fall within the program area. Provide oversight and management of those work group(s) to execute the Strategic Project Management Plan in support of the pillar objectives and ensure accountability for the completion of projects.
  • Actively engage a diverse array of central and regional members, collaborating with COT staff to support the assigned work.
  • Ensure that regular meetings of work groups and leadership groups as appropriate to effectively accomplish their goals and meet strategic objectives of the pillar.
  • Participate in pillar leadership meetings as requested by the pillar chair.
  • Report activities to the pillar chair prior to the quarterly Executive Committee meetings.
  • Provide opportunities for the development of future potential leadership of the committee.

Requirements: This position may generally be held by either a central or regional COT member. Participation in the March Annual Meeting and the meetings held in the fall in conjunction with the ACS Clinical Congress is expected. On average, this position will require 10-12 hours per month.

Program Area Vice-Chair
  • Support the chair, through active participation in meetings, planning sessions, and by helping to facilitate the work of the program area as outlined in the Strategic Project Management Plan.
  • In collaboration with the chair, provide oversight and management of the work group(s) that fall within the program area to execute the Strategic Project Management Plan in support of the pillar objectives and ensure accountability for the completion of projects.
  • Represent the chair and the work of the program area at pillar meetings, Executive Committee meetings, and other sessions, in the absence of the chair.
  • Lead meetings in the absence of the chair.
  • Help to actively engage a diverse array of central and regional members, collaborating with COT staff to support the assigned work.

Requirements: This position may generally be held by either a central or regional COT member. Participation in the March Annual Meeting and the meetings held in the fall in conjunction with the ACS Clinical Congress is expected. On average, this position will require 8-10 hours per month.

Work Group Lead
  • Provide leadership and direction to a specific, time-limited project in support of a pillar or program area priority.
  • Collaborate with the pillar leadership and COT staff leaders to establish clear project objectives, deliverables, and timelines.
  • Fulfill the work of the project as defined.
  • Provide oversight and management of the work group to execute the project plan and ensure accountability for the completion of the project’s deliverables.
  • Actively engage a diverse array of central and regional members, collaborating with COT staff to support the assigned work.
  • Convene virtual work group meetings as needed to meet the deliverable timeline.
  • Participate in pillar leadership or program area meetings as requested by the pillar or program area chairs.
  • Report activities to the pillar or program area chair prior to the quarterly Executive Committee meetings.

Requirements: This position may generally be held by either a central or regional COT member. The time commitment for this position is highly variable, dependent on the project and the deliverable timeline.

Positions Under Consideration for Leadership Term 3/2025–3/2027

Program Area Chairs/Vice Chairs

Advocacy & Health Policy Vice Chair

Indicate Your Interest to Work in a Leadership Position

If you are interested in being considered for appointment to one or more of the above Leadership Opportunities and feel you meet the requirements, please use the link below or the link within the position description to apply. Submit a separate application for each position that you would like to be considered for.

Committee on Trauma Organizational Structure

Pillars, Program Areas, and Work Groups

Program areas and work groups of the COT are maintained to meet the current objectives and activities of the COT and are organized within the pillar structure. The COT Chair has responsibility for defining the organizational structure required to support the strategic priorities of the COT. Work groups may be formed within a program area or independently within a pillar for specific projects and approved at the discretion of the COT Chair. All leadership positions are appointed by the Chair of the COT.

Organizational Structure

COT activities are organized in four major pillars: Education, Quality, Systems, and Advocacy/Injury Prevention/Stop the Bleed®. Each pillar comprises program areas and work groups to fulfill their objectives. Work groups are formed to focus on a project, deliverable, or course revision, and should then be disbanded once the deliverable has been completed. Members of the central and regional committees work together in these program areas and on specific work groups. Additionally, the following program areas support the entire pillar structure: Surgical Specialty Advisory Groups, the International Injury Care (I2C2) Committee, the Regional Committees, and the Membership Committee. All work anticipated by a pillar, program area, committee, or work group, should be driven by the objectives and priorities defined within the Strategic Project Management Plan.