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Membership Benefits
Cancer Programs

Apply for Accreditation

Thank you for your interest in Commission on Cancer (CoC) accreditation. The CoC is a nationally recognized multidisciplinary accreditation program. By working with our national partners, the CoC has developed comprehensive, patient-centered standards for cancer programs. Your cancer program will be evaluated against these standards to demonstrate compliance and your commitment to providing high-quality cancer care.

CoC-accredited cancer programs in the United States treat more than 70% of recently diagnosed patients with cancer annually in the US. We encourage your cancer program to become part of this important network of accredited cancer programs dedicated to delivering high-quality cancer care.

Cancer programs providing care for pediatric patients may seek CoC accreditation as a Pediatric Cancer Program (PCP) or CoC Pediatric Specialty Accreditation (CoC-PS). More information about the unique characteristics of the pediatric programs is found in the Guidelines for Seeking Accreditation for Pediatric Services. Cancer programs seeking accreditation as a PCP apply through the online application and follow the below guidance for new programs. Cancer program seeking the CoC-PS apply through the CoC-PS Application. In most cases, the CoC-PS site visit must coordinate with the primary CoC site visit, so timing of the application submission should consider the due date of the primary CoC program’s next site visit.

Commission on Cancer Optimal Resources for Cancer Care Gap Analysis Tool

To assist your accreditation journey, the CoC has developed a tool to help assess your site’s readiness to apply for CoC accreditation. This resource includes:

  • Standard Elements – A basic description of the elements within each standard.
  • Required Documentation – Information on what is needed to demonstrate compliance.
  • Site Status – A space to document your site’s current standard compliance status.
  • Action Plan – A space to document an action plan to address compliance gaps.
  • Resources – Links to available resources that can assist with compliance, including access to templates and an example of the Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ).

For more information on this tool, please visit the ACS Store.

Key Application Dates

If your cancer program is submitting an application for a site visit in 2025:

The program must have established a cancer registry start date no later than January 1, 2023, in order to provide a complete calendar year of abstracted data from 2023 and a complete year of follow-up data.

Anticipated Site Visit

Standard Compliance Period

Cancer Registry Start Date (no later than)



January 1, 2023



January 1, 2024



January 1, 2025

* The COVID-19 Accreditation Tracker may not be used in lieu of standard compliance.


If you are interested in applying as a new Integrated Network Cancer Program (INCP) or National Cancer Institute-Designated Network Cancer Program (NCIN), please review the Guidelines to Form an INCP/NCIN.

New Program Checklist

Applications should not be submitted until the program can demonstrate one calendar year of compliance.



  • Complete the online application
  • Verify that the program has a current Business Associate and Data Use Agreement (BA/DUA) agreement with the American College of Surgeons. Programs that currently participate in any of the ACS quality improvement programs do not need to sign another BA/DUA agreement. If your program does not have a BA/DUA with the ACS, please send an e-mail requesting a blank BA/DUA for completion.
  • Complete the site profile once you receive notification that the application is processed.
  • Receive an initial accreditation fee invoice after the Site Profile has been completed.
  • Receive full access to the Quality Portal (QPort) upon receipt of payment, which includes access to the Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ) and the ability to submit four preferred dates for the initial site visit. (Please note that when submitting preferred site review dates, the PRQ will need to be submitted no later than 60 prior to the site visit.)


  • Receive formal notification of the site visit date.
  • Undergo a site visit by a CoC-trained Site Reviewer.
  • Receive the Accreditation Report, which documents the site visit results, within 45 days of the site visit or as soon as practical thereafter.
  • Submit data to the National Cancer Database after receipt of the Accreditation Report indicating Accredited status.
  • Before Accredited status is granted, corrective action must be completed for any non-compliant standards noted in the accreditation report.
  • Programs undergoing an initial site review that have more than the allotted number of non-compliant standards will be rated Not Accredited and will need to reapply for accreditation after one calendar year. Please see the standards manual for more details.
  • Promote your CoC accreditation after achieving Accredited status.

Benefits of CoC Accreditation

Access to the Rapid Cancer Reporting System and other Reporting Tools

Facilitated by programs’ monthly submissions to the Rapid Cancer Reporting System (RCRS), CoC-accredited programs are provided with access to web-based tools to support quality improvement, community assessment, and cancer program administration. The tools can be used to:

  • Evaluate and compare the cancer care delivered to patients diagnosed and/or treated at your facility with other CoC-accredited facilities at the state, regional, and national levels
  • Identify areas for quality improvement to ensure that patients receive the right treatment at the right time
  • Compare quality-related performance measures with aggregated CoC-accredited programs, including accountability, quality improvement, and surveillance measures
  • Assess performance across multiple disease sites
  • Run benchmark reports to drive quality improvement and quality assurance activities
  • Track and analyze data on all types of cancer to:
    • Explore trends in cancer care
    • Review regional and state benchmarks for CoC-accredited facilities
    • Serve as the basis for quality improvement
  • Access participant user files so that investigators can advance the quality of care delivered to patients with cancer

RCRS reporting tools assist CoC-accredited programs with addressing data quality issues, identifying patient care challenges, and focusing their performance improvement efforts in a way that benefits the patient.

Education and Training

Web-based education and in-person workshops are offered to educate you about the standards and reporting tools, best practices to support compliance with the standards, and tips and techniques for preparing for the site visit. 

Tools and Templates

Resources are provided to assist in recording and tracking cancer program activity for select standards in between and in preparation for site visits. 

Program Support

Access is provided to the CAnswer Forum online community to ask questions, search topics, and connect with cancer program colleagues across the country to share best practices. 

Marketing Resources

Promotion materials are provided to market your CoC-accreditation to your community with a variety of resources, including certificates, posters, and banner stands. Your cancer program is also promoted to the public through the American College of Surgeons Find a CoC Accredited Program tool.