Joining the College as a Resident Member represents an important milestone in your surgical career, and signifies your personal commitment to furthering your professional development and conducting your surgical career with the highest set of professional standards. The ACS is here to support you on your path to ACS Fellowship.
To learn more about these and other benefits, please view the Resident Membership brochure.
Resident membership is available to surgical residents who have completed allopathic or osteopathic medical school and are currently enrolled in an accredited training program focused on one of the 13 surgical specialties, as well as those who have completed an initial residency and are currently involved in surgical research or a surgical fellowship.
Note for Single-Degree OMFS Residents: Single-degree oral and maxillofacial surgery residents (DDS/DMD) are eligible to apply for Resident membership. Once you have completed training, to continue your membership, you must apply for Fellowship through the established process between AAOMS and the ACS. This will require that you be in independent practice, a broadly focused surgical practice that includes reconstructive surgery, and an appropriate case mix that aligns with other surgical specialists. If you do not meet these criteria, you will not be eligible to proceed to Fellowship but will be eligible for Affiliate Membership.
Complete the online application for Resident Membership. If you are an existing member or created a log in from a prior purchase, use your log in to access the application. Otherwise you will need to create a log in.
Before you begin your application, have the following information accessible:
For questions or to request your log-in information, contact or call 1-800-293-4029.
If your membership has lapsed, and you are in the United States or Canada, you may complete the Resident Member Reinstatement Form. If you are outside of the United States and Canada, please contact to request a reinstatement form.
Application Fee: $20
Interns and PGY1s apply for FREE
Annual Dues: $0
Application fee is FREE for Medical Students upgrading to Resident membership.
If your membership has lapsed, you may complete the Resident Member Reinstatement Form.