The Illinois Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (exclusive of Chicago) was chartered in 1951, the seventh issued by ACS. The main objectives of the Chapter are educational and professional, including but not limited to elevating the standards of surgery and educating the public and profession with respect to surgical care. Further goals include: promoting the aims, interests, ideals and programs of the American College of Surgeons; to serve as a medium of communication between the Chapter and the College; to elevate the standards surgical training and education in Illinois; to advance the science and practice of surgery in Illinois, to further a cooperative and fraternal spirit among Illinois surgeons; to assist in providing surgical facilities of the highest professional standards; to provide a medium through which all aspects of surgery may be discussed; and to provide a means through which the members may cooperate with other professional and civic groups concerned with the health of the citizens. We currently have a membership of over 300 and an annual scientific meeting is held each year.
Membership in the American College of Surgeons does not include automatic enrollment in the local chapter. Please contact the individual listed below to learn more about how to join your chapter today!
Executive Director
President Elect
Women in Surgery Representative
YFA Chapter Representative
CoC State Chair
COT State Chair
Specialty Society Governor