For surgical education, CME credit, self-assessment, and more
The ACS is committed to helping you organize, track, and submit your CME credit by offering multiple MyCME options. MyCME serves as an online record of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ earned and assists you in managing your CME progress.
SESAP® 18 consists of 665 newly constructed, case-based, multiple-choice questions for self-study and review. Critiques for each question provide evidence-based explanations addressing all the answer choices, supporting references from the current literature, and related images. The latest edition covers a breadth of general surgery in nine content categories: abdomen, alimentary tract, breast, emergency general surgery, endocrine, legal/ethics, perioperative care, surgical critical care, and trauma.
You can now track state and specialty requirements, transmit data to certain state boards, plan educational activities, track credits, and more. There’s even a new concierge consulting service coming soon!
MyCME LoginWe offer accreditation for a number of educational formats, including live meetings, live internet courses, journals, manuscript reviews, and more. Check out the steps required once you log into the platform.
CME Platform Login