The course focuses on the ICU patient population and includes novel and relevant skills for practicing physicians and surgical residents who practice in this setting. Included in this module is an introduction to the use of a limited echocardiogram to assess cardiac function. The didactic sessions will include thoracic imaging and instrumentation, central line insertion, vascular imaging, and limited echocardiography. The hands-on sessions will include thoracic imaging, vascular imaging, and ECHO.
Prerequisite: Ultrasound Essentials for Surgeons (USES) on-demand course must be completed by registrants, at the discretion of the course chair(s). Note: All exported courses must have at least a 1:4 faculty-to-student ratio, and at least (1) NUF member on staff as faculty.
This course does provide AMA PRA Category 8 CME Credit ™, Verification Level II.
The Focused ECHO course is available for purchase at a fee of $975. In addition, participant fees are set at $195 (MDs/DOs) and $160 (Residents/other learners).
To purchase the Focused ECHO/ICU Ultrasound Applications course please click the link below to download an application. Submit the completed application to the Skills Courses Administrator at or to the general email at
For more information regarding the details of this course, verification level, pricing information, and the purchase and registration form, please email