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Cancer Education

New NAPRC Standards: Improving Care and Quality

March 12, 2025, 1:00–5:30 pm

With changes to rectal cancer care, the NAPRC has completed a revision of its accreditation standards that reflect current practice in rectal cancer care and introduced new standards that address quality improvement and measures of performance. The workshop will address the evidence for the changes, outline the content of the new and revised standards, describe the needed changes to current cancer program structure and processes, and review the available tools that will assist with implementing the changes.


At the end of the workshop, attendees will be able to:

  • Illustrate the evidence for change that brought about the revisions to the NAPRC standards.
  • Describe the requirements of the new NAPRC standards and the operational changes that will be needed to implement the new standards in their local rectal cancer programs.
  • Design a plan to implement the new NAPRC standards and apply new knowledge and tools to ensure a successful transition and site visit.

View Workshop Agenda


  • Rectal Cancer Program Directors
  • Rectal Cancer Program Coordinator
  • Rectal Cancer Multidisciplinary Team members
  • Physicians (diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists) providing care to patients with rectal cancer
  • Administrative representative
  • Physician Assistants
  • Advanced Practice Providers
  • Navigators
  • Nurses
  • Physical Therapists
  • Cancer Registrars

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits for physicians, Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Credits for nurses, and Continuing Education (CE) Credits for Cancer Registrars will be available.

Questions? Please email your inquiry to cancerprogramsevents@facs.org.